Manhattan, NY --- Greetings from Gotham City, home to the 2010 NBA Draft. While my partner The Gambler – a veteran newspaper, Internet and magazine journalist for the past 15 years -- is working his iPhone, trying to get an inside angle on where LBJ will be playing in the 2011NBA season; I took time off from working on my new album, and am at the draft getting a bird’s eye view of the leagues new talent pool.
Please understand that there is no place on the planet like the great City of New York, and equally Tri-state area fans are the NBA’s most knowledgeable and devoted.
We are talking about a Knick franchise that hasn’t won a championship since the '73 squad of Reed, Bradley, Frazier, DeBusschere and Monroe. The front office has been a running joke in the NBA since 2002-03,and now the orange & royal blue are waiting to see which free agent will bring championship basketball back to NYC.
Here in the "Rotten Apple", there are no in betweens. Just all or nothing. You don’t get props for being average in this city. Either we sound like, the Yanks won the pennant, or we sound like the Jets lost to New England again!
The diehard fans are the best part about NY sports. And for that alone, I'm proud to be a New Yorker. However, The Gambler & I are now part of the ruthless media that makes playing in NYC harder than it already is, only difference is, The FANalysts are everywhere!
I had the pleasure of attending the NBA DRAFT at Madison Square Garden and although I'd rather watch it in the comfort of my home (HD/surround sound), I had a ball hearing the fans complain or cheer after every pick.
The best part of the night had to be between The Rowdy Knick fans serenading JEFF VAN GUNDY all thru the night despite broadcasting live. They chanted, “We want KING JAMES,” throughout the evening and booed the hell out of NBA Commissioner David Stern, prior to every pick! CLASSIC NEW YORK LOVE!!
With the 38th pick, the Knicks chose Syracuse standout Andy Rautins to the delight of the Knick fans, but who’s this kid from Stanford that led the Pac-10 in scoring? Landry Fields was not the name the Knicks wanted to hear called, but, it is what it is, and you had to know a chorus of boos would come from every angle of the theatre. Again, CLASSIC NEW YORK!!
The draft was weaker than previous years. There wasn’t much suspense in the first five picks, and with the exception of the No. 1 pick John Wall, there are no sure-shot platinum players picked. But once the Warriors were on the clock, it was anybody's guess. The Golden State front office has been very weird the last few years (no team worse than Minnesota).
Here are my grades for the13 lottery teams, enjoy!
1. Washington Wizards: John Wall, PG, Kentucky A+
Not sure what the Wizards plan on doing with gun-toting Gilbert Arenas, but Wall will replace him at some point. Arenas shoots well and can create his own shot with the best of them as a shooting guard, His defense is type trash though. Wall can do it all and has only touched the surface of his talents. With the right coaching, he can be an all-time great. Great pick should have a great young nucleus!
2. Philadelphia 76ers: Evan Turner, SG, Ohio State A+
This kid is so nice, I'll say it twice! Evan Turner is NICE!!! John Calipari has coached the last two rookies of the year as Memphis Head Coach (Tyreke Evans & Derrick Rose). This year while at Kentucky, five of his players were picked in the draft with Wall having a solid chance to be his third Rookie of the Year stud. But trust me when I tell you, Evan Turner (if given the playing time) will have something to say about it.
Again, Evan Turner is NICE!!!
3. New Jersey Nets: Derrick Favors, F, Georgia Tech B+
The ACC Rookie of the Year and 2009 Parade Magazine High School P.O.T.Y. only needs work on his jump shot. He is powerful, athletic and runs the floor like a gazelle. He will play hard for The GENERAL Avery Johnson! The future of Brooklyn starts now.
4. Minnesota T-Wolves: Wesley Johnson, F, Syracuse C+
One of my favorite players in the draft but David Kahn knows not a ting about basketball! I hope I'm wrong for Wesley's sake! He could be a Shawn Marion type with much more offensive game.
5. Sacramento Kings: Demarcus Cousins, F, Kentucky C+
Could have benefited from one more year at school. Cousins is already labeled Rasheed Wallace Jr, because of the technical fouls he is prone to get. Not a good look.
The last thing you want to do is come into the league with that hanging over your head, especially with all that talent!
6. Golden State Warriors: Ekpe'Udoh, F, Baylor C-
Could Don Nelson finally be thinking about defense for the first time since the Bucks of the 80's? If so, you've found a diamond in the rough! The former Michigan Wolverine can do it all defensively and on the boards. This is what the Boys by the Bay have needed for a long time now! Still that front office scares me!
7. Detroit Pistons: Greg Monroe, F, Georgetown, B-
Looks like alot of teams are learning! DEEE-FENSE wins games.
Detroit is no exception. Expect Monroe’s game to flourish in the pros, if he decides to work hard.
8. L.A.Clippers: Al-Farouq Aminu, F, Wake Forest C+
Should be an athletic force. The Clippers still need a coach to maximize all of that young talent. Byron Scott anyone?
9. Utah Jazz: Gordon Heyward, F, Butler C+
The young man can shoot. Does this mean Kyle Korver moves on?
Does Boozer stay put, or does Milsap carve his name in Utah history?
Either way, Deron Williams will get Heyward the ball in the right spot and a star should be born within Jerry Sloan’s system.
10. Indiana Pacers: Paul George, G/F, Fresno State C+
Can score. Can defend. He is underrated because of where he played in college.
Pacers are lost however!
11. New Orleans Hornets: Cole Aldrich, C, Kansas C+
Could have used another year in Lawrence. Guess it won’t hurt to practice with Chris Paul and Darren Collison.
12. Memphis Grizzlies: Xavier Henry, G, Kansas B-
This guy could've benefited from one or two more years of school as well, but he is truly the steal of the lottery! Tell em' the PHIFER said so!
13. Toronto Raptors: Ed Davis, F, UNC C-
All this means is Chris Bosh will be off to the states and the Raptors are sinking in quick sand! Calderon will not want to remain in Toronto!
What do you guys think about the Draft? The Fan’s opinion is what really counts with us, so don’t hesitate to tell us how crazy or on point we are.
by The Gambler
A lot is going on in the world right now. President Barack Obama’s plate runnith over with crisis. Oil is still contaminating our oceans and disrupting our ecosystem. The US still has nuff troops in Afghanistan. Homes are foreclosing, the economy is on empty and so are car tanks thanks to stupid high gas prices.
Despite the enormity of these problems, have no doubt , that today the President’s attention shifts from the most pressing issue, to the most popular.
July 1 officially begins the LeBron James sweepstakes. King James is probably the most coveted free agent in NBA history. He will start listening to suitors and decide what franchise he will sign with in 2010, indelibly changing NBA history.
First stop is Manhattan, where the Knicks will show no humility or pride in luring James to The Big Apple. Anything goes, from wearing monkey suits, private jet flights over the Hudson, elaborate feasts at the city’s finest restaurants, to corny promotional songs by desperate celebrities who can’t wait to buy up all the good seats in Madison Square Garden.
The Knicks have tanked two seasons in order to get way under the cap. They aren’t the only team that has sacrificed winning to set themselves up for a run at LeBron. There is more salary dumping going on than ever. Teams have shaved rosters to three and four players, just to set themselves up for the mere possibility of luring LeBron and some big names to their city. Pretty pathetic if you ask me, but hey I don’t make the rules.
There’s as much barbershop banter, opinion, expert analysis and anticipation about who LBJ will sign with, as there was in the '80s, when the TV show Dallas made us wait for a year to find out who shot J.R. Or more recently, waiting years to see the last season of the Sopranos.
Everyone has a philosophy about where LBJ is going. These opinions are often jaded with personal desires and unsubstantiated boasts. Sort of like freestyling off the dome. If there ever was a player who represents the “Now Generation” a/k/a “The Me Generation,” it’s LeBron James.
An orgy of different elements has brought us to this day. James’ iconic rise has been fueled by killing dudes on the court, and an over-the-top media and internet hype machine. ESPN and other media outlets, colleges, agents and basketball movers and shakers, have been stalking this kid since grade school. A once in a lifetime talent, James and his chiseled, Adonis-like physique jumped straight from high school to NBA dominance quicker than any player prior.
The NBA community’s unfulfilled desire to crown the next Michael Jordan is a factor as well. Similar to the rap world’s thirst to find the next Big and Pac, many undeserving players have been prematurely anointed the next “Jordan”. And the average fan’s tendency to ride whatever wave the sports media monopolies are promoting, also contribute to making today historic.
The fact that King James’ suitors represent major market NBA teams: Miami, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, LA Clippers, also helps magnify the process .The most revealing example of LeBron’s popularity, is the way his free agency has overshadowed Kobe Bryant’s recent back-to-back chips. Most basketball fans couldn’t wait for the series – as great as it was – to end. All they want to know is where LeBron goin?
So, where Lebron goin?
There is a contingent of Ohio faithful that hold onto the belief that LeBron won’t turn his back on his hometown. They think that when he goes through the motions of being wined and dined, and the dust clears, he will resign with Cleveland. They can be likened to addicts in denial. The signs over the past few months are not positive for the city.
First Cleveland fired coach Mike Brown and GM Danny Ferry bounced. Ferry was apparently at odds with owner Dan Gilbert about the direction of the team. Not a good sign. Then, LeBron refused to speak with Michigan coach Tom Izzo, after Izzo was offered the Cavs head coach position. Izzo didn’t want to accept the job without speaking with LeBron first. Izzo obviously didn’t get the positive feedback he was looking for. He refused the job to remain with The Spartans. One of my sources says someone close to LeBron told Izzo, “don’t waste your time”.
Fans and analysts, who still believe LeBron is staying, have to be sick to their collective stomachs right now. The likelihood of James resigning with Cleveland is withering away like his game during the playoffs. The best shot they have is to sign him to a three-year extension and get whatever financial benefits out of it that they can.
Cav fans have a passion and genuine love for LeBron. But for Cleveland ownership, it’s all about retaining LeBron the Cash Cow. He’s like the rock star whose popularity makes his unknown band members, manager and label execs, famous and cooler than they really are. Once he is gone, they fall back into obscurity. Cleveland’s become an NBA hot spot because of LeBron. The place you go to witness the greatest show on hardwood.
Thankfully, with LeBron’s eminent departure, we won’t have to say the names of mediocre players like Varejao, Mo Williams, or Daniel “Keisha Cole” Gibson again.
The FANalysts have been in the lab, studying inside info and relying on our many sources to figure out where LeBron will eventually sign. That decision can't be made without first assessing the pros and cons of each squad.
1. LBJ can remain in his hometown, continue to build his legacy and try to bring Cleveland its first NBA chip. The move would enhance his popularity, rid him of any selfish labels, and show that he has genuine concern for the people of Ohio. He would become an instant folk hero.
2. LeBron will have more power and say in personnel and management decisions than any player ever had, or ever should have.
3. The NBA has become a global brand, so staying in Cleveland doesn’t hurt his chances at becoming a billionaire icon. It just may take much longer in Cleveland.
1. The Cavs can’t offer the rich history and universal glitz that larger NBA markets can. LeBron has dedicated almost a decade of his career to Cleveland, and they just haven’t been able to get it done. The pieces he needs to be successful, from the head coach to his supporting cast, hasn’t been up to snuff.
2. Remaining in Cleveland and not winning a championship will damage LeBron’s legacy, and possibly deprive him of his proper place in NBA lore. All of the immortal players have won multiple chips. Eventually being a perennial loser will come back to haunt him. Kevin Garnett is one of the biggest supporters of LeBron pursuing free agency. Garnett said he regrets resigning for $126 million with Minnesota in 1997, before seeing what other teams were gonna throw in the pot to scoop him. Management never provided him viable championship pieces, and he wasted most of his career in Minnesota.
What we do know is that it has been reported that The Knicks are already prepared to offer Hawks guard Joe Johnson a max deal today. Seems like a bit of a panic move to me, but I guess a bird in the hand was their train of thought. Toronto’s Chris Bosh and Heat guard Dwayne Wade are separately meeting with the Knicks and Nets on Friday. I am pretty sure Wade and Bosh are giving both teams a mere courtesy look. It seems they have other plans. We will get into all that. It would be shocking if either of those guys signed with the Knicks or Nets.
Chicago Bulls:
1. Chicago has some young and exciting talent to work with. The way things are shaping up, it seems The Bulls will have a legit shot at LBJ. Derrick Rose is a diamond and getting better. Jaokim Noah is a monster on the boards and a defensive stud. Luol Deng is a versatile scorer, who would benefit from King James’ presence.
2. Bringing in defensive guru Tom Thibodeau to run the show, implies a commitment to defense, which is important for any real championship contender.
3. Chicago is not done shaving cap space. Chicago is trying to get to about $32 million under the cap, and will attempt to lure LeBron and another big free agent to The Windy City.
1. It’s hogwash to think Chicago has a better chance of winning than the other teams. Any team LeBron decides to go to will have a 20-30 game increase in the win column. He will automatically make that team a serious Eastern Conference Finals contender.
2. Michael Jordan has already built a basketball empire beyond duplication in Chicago. Regardless of what LeBron does as a Bull, he will remain in the shadow of the greatest player ever. Does LeBron want that to be his legacy? It’s a no win situation. Even if he brings one chip to Chicago, it’s unlikely he will bring six.
Miami Heat
1. The Heat wasn’t one of the original teams mentioned as a possible home for LBJ. That has changed since Miami parlayed a flurry of moves into a league-high $43 million in cap space. Depending on whether or not they keep Michael Beasley, they could have a potential $49 million to blow on a record three max free agents. Each max free agent will cost around $16.6 million. Dumping Beasley’s contract will make that possible. There is word that Wade is planning on re-signing with the Heat and trying to campaign for James, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer -- or any combination of killers -- to join him in Miami for an instant “dynasty”. It’s looking more and more like the player will be Bosh. If they could get a third guy, It would be the first time in NBA history three max players agreed to play for the same team.
2. Miami has great weather, water and women. It’s not a bad place for LeBron to call home for a few years, before he bounces to the Brooklyn Nets.
3. If Wade could pull this off – a move NBA Commissioner David Stern isn't very supportive of -- LeBron would instantly be surrounded with awesome No 2 and No 3 options. A chip would be a definite possibility.
1. The Heat may decide to keep Michael Beasley [not likely if they feel they really have any shot at LeBron], thereby lowering their chances of landing LeBron.
2. Three max players meeting and agreeing to all go to one team isn’t what Commish Stern has in mind. The appearance of league balance is important to him. The more teams that seem to have a chance to win, the better the attendance and greater the fan interest . A move like that, would shift the power in the East dramatically. The league may intercede and try to prevent such an ethically –delicate occurrence.
3. Dwayne Wade and LeBron may not be able to co-exist. There has to be a clear-cut No 1 on each team in today’s NBA. Who would be the first option ? The analyst in me says it shouldn’t matter. The fan in me says it would never work. Too much ego.
New Jersey Nets:
1. The Nets will be moving to a new elaborate Brooklyn stadium in two to three years max. LeBron has said his ultimate goal is to be a billionaire athlete, and the new Nets owner Russian-billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov is paid out of the wazzooby. Not a bad guy to align yourself with. Jay-Z is the other influence. Reports of he and LeBron’s friendship have been overstated, but Jigga Man has been somewhat of a good friend/mentor to King James. He has most likely offered his opinion on this matter. How much weight it carries, we don’t know. The Nets do have backup plans, as unlikely as they are to happen. Meeting with Bosh and Wade shows a go for broke attitude. As of draft night they were $27 million under the cap, so if max money starts running out someone will bite.
2. As soon as the Nets arrive in Brooklyn, LeBron would be the biggest star on the most popular franchise in sports.
3. An ambitious owner usually means an ambitious team. Mikhail Prokhorov, one of the world’s richest cats, has said The Brooklyn Nets will get mad love internationally. He spits a big game too, guaranteeing the playoffs next year and a chip in five. He could really impress me by getting LBJ to come to Newark. That would be a miracle.
1. It sounds good, but I don’t think playing in Newark is what LBJ has in mind. We will revisit this option in three to five years
1. The advantages for LeBron playing under the bright lights and big city skyline of Manhattan are obvious. If you win in New York you become a God of sorts. If LeBron came to NY and resurrected a once-proud franchise, he would become the most popular person in the world. And winning in New York means much more than wining in other places. It means you are the crème de la crème. It means you have withstood the most fierce criticism and scrutiny and won over a group of people who know what it takes to be champions and don’t let you take days off. You faced the ultimate challenge and persevered.
With that being said, I don’t know if Joe Johnson is going to be the deal sealer in getting LBJ to come here. In fact, he is the player I thought would be the worst fit. He lacks heart and in my opinion, the intensity and desire to help bring a prideful city back from basketball ruins.
2. The Knicks have room for two max players. According to Chris Broussard, one of those max players will be Johnson. They can only hope that Johnson will be enticing to LeBron. Bringing in a Wade, Bosh or Stoudemire would have made the case stronger. One thing we do know is the Knicks are not done. If LeBron doesn’t want to wild out on Wall Street, then Amare Stoudemire – another guy who teams may be hesitant to give max money to – will take max money from NY.
1. People are afraid of The Knicks. The franchise has been so poorly mismanaged over the past decade that playing at MSG has become like the plague. There is some validity to that, but LeBron’s arrival would change everything. The fan base has always been solid, and the celebrity audience is there each night.
2. There are also the NY-haters who try to down the Knicks and dismiss the idea that LBJ would ever play at the World’s Most Famous Arena. Their whole agenda is to keep the Knicks a laughing stock, and their desires are wrapped in a disdain for everything that is New York.
LA Clippers:
1. The Clippers are one of the few teams far enough under the cap to offer LeBron a max contract. They also can disrupt some opposing team’s plans, swoop in at some point and snatch up one of those other big name free agents.
2. The bright lights of LA can be appealing. More movie roles. Celebrities in the stands each night.
3. If LeBron took the stepchild of LA and helped them finally overtake the Lakers, it would bolt him into legendary status. Kobe and The Lakers have been the focus of LA fans for a hot minute now. The Clippers have not been able to climb from behind the Lakers' shadow. Landing the game’s most coveted baller would change the culture of sports in Los Angeles.
1. The Clippers are second fiddle to Kobe and The Lakers. People forget the Clippers even play in LA. LeBron would still be competing with a loaded Lakers team, a dominant Kobe and doing it with a team that needs hella help. This is the least likely move for King James.
The Celtics are a team of aging all stars. This season’s surprise championship run may be the last hoo-rah for Pierce, Garnett and Allen. Coach Doc Rivers isn’t sure if he is returning either. The future of this team, even with a blossoming Rajon Rondo, is not as bright as its past.
The Cavs are just another team without LeBron. Those 60 win seasons will turn to 30-35 win seasons quickly, if King James doesn’t re-ink with Cleveland.
The Magic have a nice squad and a solid future with Dwight Howard, the game’s best center. They will be competitive for years to come. Unfortunately, they took a step back this season by letting Hedo Turkoglu go and bringing in Vince Carter. Carter displayed the same gutless playoff demeanor that he has become famous for. And as great a defensive player as Dwight Howard is, his free throw shooting and overall offensive game is saucy.
The FAN in me says LeBron is going to grab the challenge by the neck and thrust himself into immortality by signing with the Knicks. The Bulls weren’t ready made when Jordan turned them around. If LeBron is that dude, as everyone says, then The Knicks would be a perfect fit.
The analyst in me says that a source close to the situation keeps trying to convince me that World Wide Wes brokered a “silent” deal with the Bulls a few years ago, already guaranteeing LeBron will sign there.
He may even take the easy way out and be part of a mass move to Miami.
The only thing I am sure about is that LeBron James will feel very loved and wanted after this free agent process. He will also still be ring-less. However, there is no bigger high stakes poker game in the world than the LBJ free agent sweepstakes. Sit back, relax and enjoy this once in a lifetime event. It is sure to play out like a motion picture.
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